Monday, July 31, 2006

This weeks bad ass video is the first half of the "making of MFUL" video, the best half assed "making of" video ever... EVER!

On the note the other half of the making of video will be out this Friday. I edited the thing, done. But since Youtube wont let me post videos over 10 minutes long, I had to break it up into 2 parts (split completely at random) and but I was far to lazy to post both haves up at the same time... That and the first half as most of the funny stuff any way.

In other news, I have a short video that is called "The stories of cards" (yeah... I totally just made that up. Done completely improve, it stars me and Matt Prov of ForceRENDER productions fame. I have to work on editing that, but when its done, you know that you will be the first to see it.

Till next time, Get your pets spayed or neutered.

Friday, July 28, 2006

No video today, but I am making an update just to give you all a heads up. This tuesdays video, the making of video, may be extra long and extra boring (unless you are me).


The editing process is going along quickly on this one, and now its a matter of pairing down the footage to things I acutally want people to see... that being things that are funny... or informative.... or both.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Its a new week, which can only mean one thing, a new video up on youtube.

I had to fight to not post this one up before today, because I didn't want to flood my self with videos (and I didn't want to have to post a half done "making of video"). The making of video is well on its way but thanks to a missing tape (which may warrent a video post all to its self if I don't find it) production has slown down a little bit (a lot... really).

Production work starts tomorow on eppisodes 1a and b. Why "1a" and "1b", instead of "2" and "3" you ask? The answer my friends is quite simple, its because we already shot a large portion of eppisdoe 2. Since 2 doesn't explaine some of the things that happened inbetween 1 and 2 and since it doesn't account for some of my editing techniques (or lack there of) used in eppisode one, We are shooting 2 eppisodes that you don't HAVE to watch to understand eppisode 2. That and we are missing an actor for the next month... so we have to work with what we have.

Now inclosing, because I would like to link to a video that I found earlier, because I like pretty things.

God that monkey is HOT!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Just to tide myself over until I get the "making of" video done and online, I have captured a great gem of footage from one of our days of shooting on the green screen. Its not out yet, but look for it next Tuesday... Unless I think I will have the "making of" video up then. If I do, then I will either post it earlier, or save it for next Tuesday so that I have something to show you.

in the meantime, check out this video I did last summer with Todd for a class of his. Narrated by me.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Finally, after several months of work we finally have something substantial to show off online. We have the first episode of MFUL.

I would just like to thank Todd, Dave, Alex, and Kelsey for being incredibly easy to work with. The whole shoot was fun, so hopefully we will see more of these fun little webbisodes in September when Dave returns from Pickering.

For those of you interested in how we made this show, I am working on a featurette which I should have online in the next few days (weeks?). I am packing in with behind the scenes content and will hopefully show off something interesting. I do have to come clean on this one though... I am really only doing this featurette because I hate the "making of" things they put on DVD's and TV. You know the ones, where it doesn't show off any part of how they made the films, it basically is just something that promotes the film. MTV runs them a lot these days.

Finally, the music for this episode is stolen from a great indie band that I saw at Zaphods last Monday, called The Free Press, so please check out their site, and buy an album. Not because I stole their music to make this, but because their music is just that good.

Brendan, OUT!